Welcome to our newsletter for July 2024. We begin this newsletter with a gentle reminder that our next webinar is on this Wednesday (July 10th) at 7:00pm!
Where To From Here? Perspectives From A Climate Fiction Writer and Climate Activist
Tim Jones is a climate fiction writer and climate activist. As a writer, his latest book is climate fiction novel Emergency Weather (2023); as an activist, he's actively involved in campaigning for low-carbon transport and an end to coal mining and use in Aotearoa, as well as opposition to the Government's plans to fast-track environmentally destructive mines and motorways.
In this webinar, he will draw on experience from both sides of his work to talk about where New Zealand has got to on climate policy, how we got here, and what might happen next. Tim will cover policy and psychology, empathy and emissions – expect some trenchant comments, some considered remarks, and a lively discussion!
Date: Wednesday July 10th
Time: 7:00PM
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83849041264?pwd=WEmgxsR4hFUyYCVIJqTBwZbmdM1Yb4.1
Meeting ID: 838 4904 1264
Passcode: 386968

Photo: Ebony Lamb
As an activist, Tim has had a long involvement in environment, climate and transport issues. He’s currently the President of Living Streets Aotearoa, the national organisation advocating for pedestrians and for walking. Since 2007, he's been an organising group member of Coal Action Network Aotearoa, which campaigns for the end of coal mining and use in Aotearoa. Tim was also the co-convenor of the Save the Basin Campaign when it played a key role in preventing the construction of a motorway flyover at the Basin Reserve in Wellington.
As a writer, Tim received the NZ Society of Authors Peter & Dianne Beatson Fellowship in 2022. He has had ten books of fiction and poetry published, many dealing with climate and environmental themes. His poem "Restraints" was included in Ōrangahau | Best New Zealand Poems 2022. His latest book is climate fiction novel Emergency Weather (The Cuba Press, 2023).
See you there!
While OCD is a national organization, many of its members are highly active at a local level, pushing forward climate action in a variety of ways. Joanna Santa Barbara, Co-Chair of Nelson Tasman Climate Forum, noted that her local government body, Tasman District Council, was about to deliberate on a proposed Climate Strategy and Action Plan. She booked a slot in the regular public forum time, in which any citizen or organization can speak for a few minutes. Instead of a presentation on the subject, a ‘flash-mob’ of ten Forum members formed behind her and sang a rousing song whose theme was acceleration of climate action. There were many smiles on Councillors’ faces. The Councillors subsequently endorsed an ambitious Climate Strategy and Action Plan.
Further good news from the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum concerns its campaign to lower consumption – Take the Jump. A Wellington advertising agency has prepared a digital billboard series to promote this campaign. On July 15th it will launch 97 huge billboards in cities throughout Aotearoa. Watch out for them!

“The Song”, presented to the Tasman District Council … ‘we want it Now! Now! Now!’

The Small Island States (beginning with Tuvalu and Tokelau), began a movement which gives the whole world an opportunity to prevent any further extraction of fossil fuels, and to equitably faze out existing operations.
This organisation: Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, is worth a visit to their website and to join up (if you haven't already).
Our Climate Declaration, after consultation at the last meeting, endorsed the call for a Fossil Fuel Treaty. The May numbers are displayed above, so our entry will make the 3rd box total 2,564! We can also endorse, separately, as individuals, and request to receive their newsletter.
OCD secretary Pat Baskett comments: “it's important that we support this treaty, especially as a way of identifying with the Pacific region and not joining AUKUS Pillar Two.”
Beverley Short, Convenor, OCD
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Kiwibank # 38 9018 0711725 00
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Kiwibank # 38 9018 0711725 01
Our number as a registered charity is: CC60027
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Thank you. Your donation will be wisely spent.