Our Climate Declaration AGM invite 2023

Please join us to 
celebrate six years 
of climate work 
at our AGM 
Thursday June 8, 7.00pm

Our guest speakers are OCD team member Joanna Santa Barbara and her colleague Meila Picard. They are working with members of the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum using calculations and a modelling tool to help communities solve those most vexed climate questions – how fast do we have to reduce emissions and which ones need our maximum effort.

The most startling conclusion of their work is the simple figure of 8% per year. That’s the rate at which every region in Aotearoa needs to reduce emissions if we are to keep the global heating rate to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius - starting from NOW!

“We need national emissions targets and budgets, and the Climate Change Commission and Government present these to us, based on IPCC global targets,” says Joanna. “But it’s hard to translate these into an ordinary household’s processes or even into local council level targets.”


  1. Welcome
  2. Minutes of AGM 2022 - see at link
  3. Treasurer’s report
  4. Election of officers
  5. General business
  6. Convenor’s report
  7. Guest speakers’ address

Here is the link for June 8:
Meeting ID: 849 7653 5865
Passcode: 726483

Our Climate Declaration Team

PS Don’t forget our webinar on Wednesday May 17 at 7pm – Rod Oram will speak on The Limits of Degrowth. Here’s the link:
Meeting ID: 829 7589 5583
Passcode: 199129
(More details at https://www.ourclimatedeclaration.org.nz/limits_of_degrowth)