Our Climate Declaration AGM minutes from 8 June 2023

OCD Minutes AGM 8 June 2023 7 pm

Jonathon Baskett, Trish Hall, Torfrida Wainwright, Jack Santa Barbara

Pat Baskett, Paul Bruce, Joanna Santa-Barbara, Robin Treadwell, Gareth Jones, Molly Melhuish plus 20 others

Minutes: Unanimously accepted

Treasurer’s Report (Paul Bruce)
Main item of expenditure was $11,000 for Jeanette Fitzsimons grants.
An honorarium was paid to Gareth Jones for maintenance of website.
There is also the ongoing cost of the Domain and NationBuilder.
Funds are now lower as there hasn’t been a strong appeal for topping up funds for the Grants. However, a decision has been made to delay new awards til next year which means that this is not a worry, especially as we have continued to small regular donations to cover our regular costs.
Account statement and Service performance (see below) will be filed with Charities Services

Service Performance for year ending 31st March 2023

Awards made to five organisations whose applications fulfilled the criteria for our Climate Action grants

  • $500 to GoEco, an environment organisation in Hamilton, to establish a Climate Hub for young people to share ideas and actions
  • $500 to Siana Fitzjohn, a marine biologist to further her work recording the destruction caused by bottom trawling in New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone
  • $2500 to the Earth Action Trust for projects to radically reduce waste in an area of immigrant communities in Auckland
  • $2500 to Bruce Mahalski to run a competition amongst primary children for posters depicting the effects of the climate crisis
  • $5000 to Waiheke Secondary School to buy equipment for a project to reduce waste and encourage recycling.

Three awards were made for 2022, and final payments were made to two awardees from 2021, ($500 final 2021 grant payment to GoEco, $500 final 2021 grant payment to Siana Fitzjohn)

Treasurer’s report unanimously accepted

Election Officers:
No new nominations received and existing officers are happy to continue in their roles  

 Secretary: Joanna Santa-Barbara 

 Treasurer: Paul Bruce

 Convenor: Pat Baskett 

Convenor’s Report (Pat Baskett):
see separate attachment

Other Business: 
Joanna - Proposed thanks to Pat for her warm and inclusive leadership,
Seconded by Paul Bruce

It was remarked that there are many webinars being held, and we should be careful to not crowd the field, especially when there are conflicting times of webinars.

Guest Speaker: 

Our guest speakers are OCD team member Joanna Santa Barbara and her colleague Meila Picard. They are working with members of the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum using calculations and a modelling tool to help communities solve those most vexed climate questions – how fast do we have to reduce emissions and which ones need our maximum effort.

The most startling conclusion of their work is the simple figure of 8% per year. That’s the rate at which every region in Aotearoa needs to reduce emissions if we are to keep the global heating rate to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius - starting from NOW!


Molly - recommended OCD join ‘Tapatahi Aotearoa’, a new group focussed on young people, 8 points post advertisement for Webinars, especially Molly’s is focussed on Rangatahi 

Pat - How do we extend reach of OCD? Meetings, Facebook?
- International Aviation (??)
- NO2 long lived GHG from fertiliser use (??) 

Meeting concluded 8:30pm