Economy of Enough Webinar Series

The Behavioural Crisis Driving Ecological Overshoot (2nd Presentation) | Webinar Recording

The Behavioural Crisis Driving Ecological Overshoot (2nd Presentation) | Webinar Recording

08 March 2024

We decided to open this year’s webinar series with a second presentation of last year’s “The...

Will this summer be too hot for work? | Webinar Recording

Will this summer be too hot for work? | Webinar Recording

18 October 2023

Our Climate Declaration team regrets the technical difficulties that disrupted our October 1...

Framing Messages around the Climate Emergency | Webinar Recording

Framing Messages around the Climate Emergency | Webinar Recording

14 September 2023

Our September webinar featured guest Michael Hanne. The vast majority of people in industri...

Shelter in our changing climate: challenges and pathways | Webinar Recording

Shelter in our changing climate: challenges and pathways | Webinar Recording

04 August 2023

In August our guest was Scott Willis, a director of Climate Navigator, a sustainability and...

Food security, land use, soil – and much more | Webinar Recording

Food security, land use, soil – and much more | Webinar Recording

08 July 2023

In our July 5th webinar, our guest was Craig Anderson, researcher at NZ’s Institute for Plan...

Discussing Degrowth: An Approach to Degrowth for NZ | Webinar Recording

Discussing Degrowth: An Approach to Degrowth for NZ | Webinar Recording

27 June 2023

This webinar was jointly sponsored by Our Climate Declaration and Degrowth Aotearoa NZ.

City Forests to heal the planet and its people | Webinar Recording

City Forests to heal the planet and its people | Webinar Recording

16 June 2023

In our webinar on Wednesday 14 June at 7pm, attendees had the opportunity to hear Molly Melh...

AGM Zoom June 8th 2023 with guest speakers Joanna Santa Barbara and Meila Picard on developing a modelling tool to calculate emissions

09 June 2023

We celebrated six years of climate work at our AGM.