XR week of action kicks off in Wellington - October 7

After the fantastic success of the Strike 4 Climate on Friday, we need to keep the pressure on. Wellington will kick off the worldwide XR Week of Action on 7 October with people coming from all over NZ.

We are calling for everyone to join us for a big all-day party on October 7! There will be some serious non-violent direct action going on from Extinction Rebellion, but anyone and everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the day, with lots of music and a festive atmosphere. If you are worried about getting into legal trouble, rest assured- there is plenty of minimal-risk opportunity to be involved!

We all know we are on the path to climate breakdown. We all know business as usual is not an option. It's time to take action. And we need everyone to be involved in creating change, in what ever way you can.

If you can, book a day off work, set your alarm and come on down to support us on the 7th!

MEETING POINT: Midland Park, 7am

Find more information (and updates on the day) at: