Autumn Newsletter 2023

Ngā mihi mahana!

The Team at Our Climate Declaration apologizes to those of you who were unable to participate in our recent webinar, The Limits to Degrowth by Rod Oram. Please let your networks know that it is now available on our website:

If our webinars continue to be oversubscribed, we will look to extending our Zoom account. At the moment our funds don’t allow us to do this and we hope the recordings will fill the gap. You are welcome to use them widely.

Upcoming events

Our AGM is June 8, 7pm. If you have suggestions for webinar topics or other activities, please bring them to the meeting. We welcome new Team members and new officers – convenor, secretary, treasurer. Please come forward!

After the usual business, our guest speakers are OCD team member Joanna Santa Barbara and her colleague Meila Picard. They are working with members of the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum using calculations and a modelling tool to help communities solve those most vexed climate questions – how fast do we have to reduce emissions and which ones need our maximum effort.

Here is the link for June 8:
Meeting ID: 849 7653 5865
Passcode: 726483

Our next webinar is Wednesday 14 June at 7pm:

City Forests to heal the planet and its people

You are warmly invited to hear Molly Melhuish speaking of her experience working with urban marae and local councils to set up Tiny Forests using the Miyawaki method.

In the Carboniferous Era, trees turned a Hothouse Earth into an Ice Age in just a few hundred million years. That created the coal measures that sparked the industrial revolution. 

Trees could again convert today’s cities and suburbs into vibrant healthy resource-rich ecosystems.

Supported by the Gift Economy of Nature, which was practised by indigenous people around the world for hundreds of thousands of years, city forests could create islands of healthy living within our sterile intensified housing systems. 

This presentation describes how one urban marae plans to utilise the little known Miyawaki Method to create a playground for its kohanga reo, and to create an economy of abundance within today’s market economy of scarcity.

Meeting ID: 872 1402 3988
Passcode: 525301

About Molly

Portrait photo of Molly Melhuish

Molly Melhuish moved to New Zealand in 1963 with a physical chemistry MSc and curiosity about the bioecology and climate change she’d learnt at university. She is best known for her advocacy of consumer-centred electricity policy, having been on advisory groups from 1986 through 2015.  This was and still is an uphill battle in the neoliberal industry-self-regulation era, and she has since focused on the fascinating topic of using ecology to heal the planet.

Conversations around the King Dick statue at Parliament, where Molly supported the climate hunger strikers in 2019, led her to research the role of trees in regulating the water and carbon content of the atmosphere.  She now recognises that native forest restoration is highly effective not only in converting pasture into native forest, but even more so in the city itself.  She is now working with urban maraes to create tiny forests to reconnect their young people with Nature. She is also weed-busting for a swamp restoration project and working in a native plant nursery.


See you there!

OCD Team – Pat Baskett, Joanna Santa Barbara, Jack Santa Barbara, Paul Bruce, Robin Treadwell, Torfrida Wainwright, Molly Melhuish, Gareth Jones

Your donation will help us to continue our work for a world that is safe for humanity.

Donate to Our Climate Declaration general fund: Kiwibank # 38 9018 0711725 00

Our number as a registered charity is: CC60027

Please let us know when you make a donation - Contact us or email [email protected]

Thank you. Your donation will be wisely spent.