Complex conversations on complex questions webinar recording

Our webinar for November 2 explained how the techniques of deliberative, as opposed to participatory democracy can be used to close the gap between public perceptions of major issues and their potential solutions. The discussion was particularly relevant to the climate emergency.

Our speakers were from Koi Tū: the University of Auckland’s Centre for Informed Futures.

Associate Director Dr Tatjana Buklijas’s background is in the history and social studies of science. Her current research concerns the deliberative democratic innovations developed internationally to address complex urgent issues involving science and technology and their potential for local adaptations.

Photo of Dr Tatjana Buklijas

Associate Director Kristiann Allen’s background is in anthropology and political science. Her theoretical and practical work concerns the evolving structure and public value of national science and research systems for evidence-informed public policy. She has worked at the intersection of science and public policy in multiple contexts internationally.

Photo of Kristiann Allen

Both were instrumental in setting up the Citizens Assembly project recently used by Watercare in Auckland. This was the final piece in a three-year research project developing and testing a deliberative democratic process for Aotearoa-New Zealand.

For more information:

The recording of this webinar is available to watch as either a Zoom recording or a YouTube video.

Zoom recording:
Passcode: #m2a9meB

YouTube video: