Economy of Enough Webinar Series

Degrowth on the way to a steady state economy webinar recording

Degrowth on the way to a steady state economy webinar recording

25 February 2022

Our first webinar in the Economy of Enough 2022 series featured Hugh Ferguson presenting on ...

Biocapacity: living within our local limits webinar recording

Biocapacity: living within our local limits webinar recording

13 November 2021

The recording for the November 2021 webinar with Dr Ella Susanne Lawton on Biocapacity: livi...

A human needs approach to a safe climate and sustainable future webinar recording

A human needs approach to a safe climate and sustainable future webinar recording

20 October 2021

In our October 2021 webinar we heard from Ian Gough, a Visiting Professor at the Centre for ...

Managing without growth: slower by design webinar recording

Managing without growth: slower by design webinar recording

26 September 2021

Peter Victor, author of "Managing without Growth. Slower by Design, not Disaster", is Profes...

Beyond apocalypse - building trust and creative responses to environmental problems webinar recording

Beyond apocalypse - building trust and creative responses to environmental problems webinar recording

17 August 2021

In our eleventh webinar Dr Niki Harre talked to us about getting beyond "fear-based” narrati...

Can we reduce inequality in Aotearoa NZ? Max Rashbrooke - webinar recording

Can we reduce inequality in Aotearoa NZ? Max Rashbrooke - webinar recording

17 July 2021

In this webinar Max Rashbrooke talked about his twin research interests: economic inequality...

Governing for the future: Anticipatory governance - webinar #9 recording

Governing for the future: Anticipatory governance - webinar #9 recording

24 May 2021

Professor Jonathan Boston discusses the importance of long term planning and governing to en...

Is energy use an achilles heel for agriculture? webinar #8 recording

Is energy use an achilles heel for agriculture? webinar #8 recording

13 April 2021

In this webinar scientist Craig Anderson explored future food production trends which typica...

Managing energy descent  with tradeable energy quotas - webinar #7 recording

Managing energy descent with tradeable energy quotas - webinar #7 recording

08 March 2021

Tradable Energy Quotas can help move us to a more sustainable economy, and possibly even con...

Our electricity system, the ETS  and the Climate Change Commission proposals  - webinar #6 notes

Our electricity system, the ETS and the Climate Change Commission proposals - webinar #6 notes

23 February 2021

In this webinar Dr Geoff Bertram provided an analysis of the promise versus the reality of e...